Mysterious figure disrupts Kgosi’s carefully laid out schemes in secret.
Someone in the back is messing with kgosi’s plans 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Kgosi’s plans disrupted by mischievous person in the background.
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Molweni igama lami ngingu Masentle Kelele ndihlala emthatha but ekhaya kuse Cape town ndifuna kunixelela nona nonke kuba ndihluphekile ixesha elide ndikhangela luncedo lwemali esheshayo kodwa bengilahla nje imali zami emva kokubona ipost yomnye usisi igama lakhe ngu Wendy apha ku Facebook umncoma umkhulu mabaso.nami ndathi andizame kokugcina ndathetha naye umkhulu mabaso .wacela account number yami ndamunika nyani uthi ndilinse nge 1hour enwa 1hour ndabona i massage ingena kwi account yami kwangena R5.2million yho mina kubulelwa kwami ndamubhatala 20% so xa nifuna uluncedo plz ningayi kwabanye fonela mkhulu mabaso.uzokunceda kahle ngalokho ngiyathanda ukubonga kakhulu mkhulu mabaso mawufuna usizo thatha le number call or WhatsApp 0783605162)
Fake it till you make it 😅😅
Iyoo Kgosi
Bakope ku Mbatha🤣🤣🤣Ayi ..
This is hilarious 😂
omg 🤣🤣🤣
This is hilarious 😂
Mare why is he doing that ? ?? shem poor Kgosi
omg 🤣🤣🤣
Too funny 😂
Mbatha number 2
Ligeza eli
🤣🤣🤣🤣 mbatha number two, the way franchisor was jealous I’m sure he will be very happy to see khosi and laugh at him