Mr overseas is back Fans of Skeem Saam were heartbroken when Hungani Ndlovu said goodbye
“Mr. Overseas Returns: Exciting adventures await with his globetrotting tales!”
Mr overseas is back 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Fans of Skeem Saam were heartbroken when outstanding actor Hungani Ndlovu said goodbye to his character, Tbose Maputla.
Tbose will surprise his family with a decision he makes about his son, Pitsi, according to the TVSA Skeem Saam October teasers.
“Mr Overseas Returns with a Bang! 🤣🤣🤣🤣”
Skeem Saam Teasers October 2023: Drama unfolds as Kwaito’s wedding plans face obstacles and unexpected surprises shake up the community.

Skeem Saam Teasers October 2023
Monday 2 October 2023
Episode 66
Elizabeth pushes Jacobeth into a sharp corner with respect to the wedding of Kwaito. Babeile has come to a staggering choice in regard to his future. Francois asks Gourmet specialist Kgosi about the unimaginable.
Tuesday 3 October 2023
Episode 67
MaNtuli finds that Cindy didn’t give Kwaito an arrangement. Rathebe gets released. Gourmet specialist Kgosi sees a natural face in his work environment and takes off.
Wednesday 4 October 2023
Episode 68
Kwaito has a candid conversation with his possible mother by marriage. The Maputlas are stunned by a choice Tbose has made for his child. Gourmet expert Kgosi is gotten out on clearly false.
Thursday 5 October 2023
Episode 69
Mike and John are stunned by Leeto’s arrangements for his guard. Kwaito is broken when Alfred backpedals on his promise. Lizzy is left contemplating whether she’s making the best decision in the wake of seeing the expression her mom is in.
Friday 6 October 2023
Episode 70
Tbose has an unwanted treat for Mapitsi. Kat explores different avenues regarding a novel, new thing yet he might have welcomed inconvenience into his life. Rea gives the officer a lead yet it very well may be a snare.
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Thokoza 🙏0817417202 Call or Whatsapp : igama lami ndingu Thandoh Gozo ndihlala e Cape Town ndikuxelela ngesimangaliso esenseka kum ndancedwa ngu Tata NGWENYA 🙏 ngo April 25 / 2023 ngelinye ilanga ndaya ndafunda lamaphepha Isolezwe ngenxa yoxakeka kwathi ndisafunda leliphepha ndabona omnye usisi ebonga lo Tata NGWENYA 🙏 ngemsebenzi yakhe emihle ndaya wathi mandilinde imizuzwana emibili ndava ngefoune kungena i message wemali engango R4.8 million kwi account yami nangku ndasho ndavula businesses zam ndithi enkosi Tata NGWENYA🙏 andina mona bathunana akhaniphume ekuhluphekeni nansi i number 0817417202call or whatsapp.Thokoza tata NGWENYA 🙏 Amen 🙏🙏
Wallet must back as well, i wanna see something the day the meet.
Molwen bethunana igama lam ndingu Amanda Ngcobo ndihlala eshowe emakhaya kuse eastern cape ndihlala nosisi wam sininzi iskhath sizama ubomi bungazameki ndiphangela ndingakwaz nokubeka ngisho icent ndiphangela usapho imali iphele ekudlen nje qha ndasebenza 5 years eshoprite ndingatholi nexesha lokphumula ndathathi loan kwa pep ndizama kwakha ndakhelu sapho lwam ndase ndahluleka kukhokha kwathi ngenye mini ndisafunda isolezwe ndabona omnye usisi ebulela Tata wilison ngoncedo ammcede ngalo ndase ndimfonela ndamxelela Zonke zinxaki zam wayesethkba zondiceda nge magic wallet imali engena ebank ndenza konke andiyalele kona ndabona nge massage yase bank ithukba ndine R4.4 million kwi account yam ndamxelela ukba ndiyifumene wathi ndimnike I 20 % yelemali ndenza Zonke zifiso zam ndaphuma ezinxakini zezikweleti ndayibuyisela imali ye loan ndiyabulela Sisi thandeka uthixo akubusise ngocedo lwezinumber zika Tata Wilison 0686630882 ndaphinda ndayinika usisi wam wase kapa naye wamceda nge R3,5 million naye wufakazi wam uthukba akasaguli nogula ungumqemane lomuntu benga kwaz nolala yisifuba kodwa wasizwa ngu Tata Wilison utata Wilison ufumaneka ku 0686630882 call or whatsapp
He doesn’t have money woe🤣🤣😅
They are brothers mos
Leather again
Back for good or what
Ka his leather jacket 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I wonder what’s Cooking the oil🙄🤣🤣🤣
He lost job so he came home bafayabafocs
Oh my goodness!!! Why is he back
Leather again
I love that
A boring man comes back
I wonder what did he forgot to say this time…
Maputla isn’t he ur son??😳
Mr overseas with the leather jacket!
I hope he was fired from work overseas 😕😞, something is fishy here🤣🤣!!
🤣🤣🤣😂o tletse loyola negotiations I guess…plus zamo o flat broke
Lobola I mean
Leather again in summer 🤣.Mr oversea is not make sure 🤣🤣
Nina manga
This is hilarious 😂
Something is wrong somewere i thing this thabo is a thief now noo🤔
This jakert again Mr overseas wabora Thabo omontsha bagolo
He must borrow Zamo lobola money Mr Overseas
Koko Mantsha
Where are they