Mzansi Celebrities that are lesbians

Mzansi Celebrities that are lesbians

She is a a proud lesbian who has never been shy to express her truth. She is married Alison and the two recently welcomed a baby

Trending SA reveals surprising lesbian celebrities from Mzansi you never knew.

Freedom and self expression is the order of the day today. In south africa, everyone is free to associate and date with however they want. Today we are looking at south African celebrities who are lesbians.

1. Tina Redman

She is a South African actor who is most remembered for her role in the soapie Generations the Legacy. She is a proud Queer and open about her sexuality. Her romantic relationships partners are not known.

2. Latoya Makhene

Mzansi Celebrities that are lesbians

She is also an actress whose iconic role is known as Tshidi from Generations the legacy. She was married for many years with kids, and ended up divorcing. She later came out as lesbian and she is now married to a woman.
3. Sade

Sade is a well-known media figure in South Africa who is most remembered for presenting and hosting the program on SABC1’s YOTV. She is a lesbian and she currently lives with her partner overseas.

4. Nomsa Buthelezi Shezi

She is one of the most successful presenters and actress in the country. She is a proud lesbian who got married in 2019 to a woman named Zandile Shezi.

5. Thandizwa Mazwai.

She is a iconic singer in South Africa and she has spoken out her sexuality a couple of times. She is in a relationship with a women who goes by the name of Anika.

6. Toya Delazy.

She is a a proud lesbian who has never been shy to express her truth. She is married Alison and the two recently welcomed a baby

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